Planning & Development

Mr. Anjum Zaheer
Director Planning & Developement

Roles & Responsibilities

Initiatives / Achievements

  • Planning for future needs of educational institutions in Islamabad.
  • Development of new educational institutions to provide free education (for students from 6th to 16th Year of age) to the residents of Islamabad under Article 25-A of the Constitution of Pakistan.
  • Prepare PCs for CFY PSDP for acquiring of budget allocation.
  • Updating / modifying / revising PC-Is to remove the observations of Planning Commission & other departments.
  • Monitoring complete project cycle.
  • Collecting details of missing facilities and coordinating with Pak PWD for cost estimation for the consumption of FM Wing for acquiring of funds.
  • Establishment of 07 New Educational Institutions @capital cost of 2254.756 Millions
  • 04 Projects based on soft component @ 504.107 Millions

    STEM Education  Deworming initiatives

Blended Learning  Education Fellows

  • Renovation and Rehabilitation of 03 Existing Educational Institutions @235.834 Millions
  • Procurement and Finishing Work under Project “Upgradation of ICT High Schools” @999.061 Millions
  • Project for “Provision of Basic Facilities in Educational Institutions of ICT Under FDE” @ 6916.903 Millions recently approved by CDWP

Deputy Director (P & D)

Assistant Director (P & D)

Contact:  051-9260899


Contact:  051-9260899
